Special Response Corporation is a leader in providing professional security personnel for man-made & natural disasters, workplace threats, and crisis situations. Headquartered in Northern Baltimore County (Sparks), Maryland. Special Response provides security services  throughout North America.
About us

Over 30 years of excellence

Any Role. Any Industry. Any Country.

Over 2,500 security professionals trained in our Special Response Training Academy.

Millions of US workers kept safe.

Licensed in over 25 US States.

Special Response Corporation is a leader in providing security for work stoppages, natural disasters and other needs nationwide. Based in Baltimore County, Maryland, Special Response Corporation provides security for clients throughout the United States. For over 30 years, Special Response Corporation’s expertise and experience in the field have proven successful for client after client.

Featured Services
Special Response Corporation is a leader in providing security for work stoppages, natural disasters and other needs nationwide.
Let’s Work Together
Disaster and Emergency Response
Special Response Corporation is a leader in providing security for work stoppages, natural disasters and other needs nationwide.
What We Offer

Minimizing risk is essential in today’s business environment, the safety and security of people and property are the key priorities for every business today. Special Response Corporation integrated services (Security, Investigations, Consulting and Training) support our client needs throughout North America.

Homeland Security

Special Response Corporation is dedicated to protecting critical infrastructure throughout the United States.

Disaster and Emergency Response

Natural disasters such as hurricanes, flooding and earthquakes create a security risk for business industry.

Strike Security and Labor Disputes

Special Response Corporation helps minimize costly disruptions to your business that may result from a labor dispute.

Executive Protection

Special Response offers a professional level of services designed to protect corporate personnel and associates.

Logistics, Equipment and Support Services

Logistics deals with the procurement, distribution, maintenance, and replacement of material for the labor dispute.

Supplemental Labor and Stalling

TeamWorks USA will partner with your company to supply qualified and professional temporary labor to meet your company’s staffing need during a labor strike.

Security Survey and Vulnerability Assessment

Special Response Corporation is a nationally recognized leader in security consulting and vulnerability assessments. 

Livescan Fingerprinting Services

A CJIS-authorized provider of secure Maryland Livescan fingerprint services in Baltimore County, Maryland.

Walk Thru Metal Detector

We have the best equipment for daily, weekly, monthly rentals, or for more extended hire periods/long-term leases available throughout North America.

Special Response Corporation
why choose us

24/7 Support

Special Response Corporation is dedicated to protecting critical infrastructure throughout the United States.

Selective Recruitment

Special Response Corporation hires only the best personnel. Our personnel are mostly veterans or prior law enforcement.

Special Response Training Academy

Special Response Corporation personnel are graduates of the Special Response Training Academy. Trained to meet the demands of today’s threats.
Some Statistics about Us
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Years of Experience

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Security Assessments


U.s. Ownership
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Thank you for your continued cooperation and support for our security needs. We appreciate the level of professionalism Special Response has provided despite several adverse conditions.Sincerely, Regional Facilities Manager
“I would like to take this opportunity to highly commend your team, for the professional manner in which their services were provided during our recent work stoppage/strike situation. Their prompt and professional execution played a significant role in our ability to continue our operations, and at the same time provided the needed reassurance to the salary workforce, that their safety was a prime importance to the Company. In particular I would like to commend your personnel for their cooperation and professionalism throughout the 4 weeks of our strike. From the time they arrived on the scene until they left, it was reassuring to know that security was one area the management team did not have to concern themselves with. They also worked extremely well with the local authorities and our law firm to secure a court injunction that limited the picketer’s activities. In this day and age, it is a pleasure to do business with a group of people that are true professionals. Thank you. ”Sincerely, Executive Vice President
“Just a note to express our sincere thanks to the entire Special Response team for the quick response and excellent support during our recent work stoppage. Although the circumstances were not the most pleasant, the professionalism and expertise demonstrated by the entire Special Response staff was not only reassuring to our employees, but also a major factor that allowed us to continue operations with a minimum of disruption and property damage. In particular I would like to commend your supervisors for their excellent leadership. Besides being a pleasure to work with, these gentlemen truly demonstrated a commitment to excellence and a willingness to go the extra mile that was very much appreciated. ”Sincerely, Manager, Human Resources
“I would like to share with you something I was told, yesterday, by one of our Union members. He acknowledged that it had been the Union’s intent to completely isolate our facility during the strike by whatever means necessary (including violence). He went on to say that the plan had primarily failed because of the Special Response Officers recording their every move. Thank you for Special Response Corporation’s assistance during the eight-week of the strike. The professionalism continually demonstrated by your Corporate staff, Executive Protection Teams, Escort Teams, Evidence Collectors and Line Staff and Officers was admirable. Your Security Survey, Strike Plan and the presence of Special Response Corporation Officers all played a major role in achieving early resolution to the strike by the United Steel Workers of America. Furthermore, I want to thank you for your personal guidance and wise counsel provided our Chief Executive Officer, Vice President and me.”Sincerely, Manager Security Services
“Just a note to express our sincere thanks to the entire Special Response team for the quick response and excellent support during our recent work stoppage. Although the circumstances were not the most pleasant, the professionalism and expertise demonstrated by the entire Special Response staff was not only reassuring to our employees, but also a major factor that allowed us to continue operations with a minimum of disruption and property damage. In particular I would like to commend your supervisors for their excellent leadership. Besides being a pleasure to work with, these gentlemen truly demonstrated a commitment to excellence and a willingness to go the extra mile that was very much appreciated. ”Sincerely, Manager, Human Resources
“I should like to just take this opportunity to commend your organization for a job well done and hopefully we will not have to use you again; but if such circumstances arise, I will certainly contact you Wishing you all the best for 1989. ”Yours sincerely, President
“Thank you for the timely response to my request for security service. Also the service that was provided was professional and was an important factor in resolving the strike. The leadership that was displayed brought confidence to and uplifted morale of the management staff. ”Thank you, Maintenance Superintendent
“I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the excellent service your company provided us during our recent strike. The prompt and professional execution by your employees played a significant role in our ability to continue operations successfully. We would certainly recommend your services to others having a similar need as ours. ”Very truly yours, Industrial Relations Manager
“I am writing to extend my personal thanks for the outstanding job that you and your staff performed during the fourteen week strike with Teamsters Local 115 at the university. This was an extremely bitter labor dispute with countless lawless activities on the part of the Teamsters. This was affirmed in several jurisdictions. Your staff demonstrated a highly trained and responsive presence and were extremely well received by the staff and students alike. They served in a variety of capacities most willing to assist in any way they could. They were impeccably dressed, cool under pressure and effective. The evidentiary gathering methods and result was the catalyst for our obtaining and injunction and subsequent actions by the Labor Board. Be assured your firm is highly regarded within The university and certainly our first choice should the need for the type service you provide ever be required again. Your Site Supervisor represented your firm well and did an outstanding job. ”With best regards, Director, Facilities
“I take this opportunity to extend a special thank you to all of you at Special Response Corporation. Your organization supported our construction efforts as we entered a highly unionized environment to perform underground construction projects. Your staff was particularly useful in coordinating efforts with our attorneys and supplied unparalleled security for both our people and our equipment on that project. I have found your organization available on short notice for any assignment and most willing to provide technical assistance to our management team on security and conflict avoidance. I would be pleased to recommend your organization to anyone needing similar services and wish you the best in the coming year. ”I am sincerely. President
“In preparation for and during a labor dispute involving the five separate divisions of the nation’s largest waste management company, you provided security services for our largest single operating group. This involved various levels of security in accordance with a security plan developed in advance by a team of Company Management and Special Response Corporations Managers and included a careful review of each key-operating site. During deployment of your security forces, and during the brief strike that occurred, your security personnel performed in a highly professional and effective manner. At all times your service personnel met our hour-to-hour needs and showed expertise and flexibility in a very fluid situation. The Company developed a high level of confidence in your security service’s ability to perform any security mission we assigned. As coordinator of this large, widely separated strike force operation, your topmost personnel and his key supervisors were always available and very helpful. It was good to know that the safety and security of many employees and millions in assets were well protected. I specifically want to thank the 14 key supervisors who managed this security effort with distinction and in a highly professional manner. The Company agrees you performed well. Thank you! ”I am sincerely. Region Manager, Human Resources
“I wish to extend my personal thanks to you and the members of your staff who participated in the preparation of our contingency plan. This preplanning sent a message to all employees and at the same time, put at ease any concerns my management staff had. Fortunately, we were able to negotiate a settlement with the union and did not require the additional services your company offers. Again, thanks to you and your organization. I would not hesitate to recommend your company to our other locations. ”Sincerely. Area Operations Manager
“Special Response Corporation is certainly special when it comes to their professionalism, diversity, and deportment of its men during stress situations. As you recall we did not have the normal labor dispute as depicted in some Hollywood movie. Yes, we did have the strike line with the usual harassment of personnel; however, this was also a calculated chess match, right from the onset. You provided and met all the physical security demands for property and personnel protection. As for the special assignment “Operation Clown”, it was so successful that it turned out to be a critical turning point, in labor relations strategy. This operation was applauded by both the company and public. As all responsibility for the success of the assignment was on your personnel’s shoulders. Your company rose to match every move of this labor dispute and confidently placed your opponent in check. Congratulations. ”Sincerely. Manager of Security
“In November certain of our employees staged an illegal walkout which could of significantly affected our business. On that date I called Special Response Corporation and within twelve hours you had a full detail of qualified personnel on premises. The quick response time and the absolute professionalism of your men amazed us all. Very rarely can one say that they were completely and utterly satisfied with a product or service. I can without a doubt say that your service was outstanding! It is without qualification that I would recommend Special Response Corporation to those companies in need of professional security service during a strike situation. Please feel free to have any perspective customer call me for a reference. ”Sincerely. President
“We have successfully negotiated all outstanding contracts. I want to take this opportunity to thank you for your time. Your organization’s response to calls and questions was both timely and professional. We will keep in contact and wish you the best! ”Sincerely. Director of Loss Prevention
“I wanted to take a moment to personally thank you for the outstanding service recently provided during our strike. Your men were well disciplined and well versed in the subtleties of dealing with a most difficult situation. Your presence helped to get our plant back to a somewhat normal operating mode, and also helped stem the tide of the striker’s militancy, which moved them toward a favorable resolution of our negotiations. Your organization was “top drawer” and we certainly appreciated your help ”Sincerely. President
“Thank you for your organization’s prompt response and assistance during our recent labor dispute. Your staff’s professionalism and polite firmness helped to keep the situation under control. Hopefully, we will not need your firm’s services again but we know how to get “the best” when we need to. ”Sincerely. Plant Engineer
“I wish to extend my personal thanks to you and the members of your staff who participated in the preparation of our contingency operating plans. Fortunately, we were able to negotiate a settlement, which was acceptable to our unionized associates, and the implementation of the contingency plan was not necessary. Nevertheless, the presence of the plan was a major factor in our ability to negotiate a settlement within the guidelines, which we had established several months ago. ”Sincerely. Vice President
“I want to take the opportunity, as the year comes to a close, to send you a note of thanks. Your quick and professional response to my situation was greatly appreciated. Through the assistance of you and your staff, a tense and potentially dangerous situation passed, with virtually no problems. Again thanks. Hopefully I won’t need your services again but if I do, your company will certainly be my choice. ”Sincerely. Director of Security
“On behalf of our company, I would like to extend my sincere appreciation and gratitude for a job well done. The professionalism and dedication of Special Response Corporation was displayed on a daily basis throughout our transition. It was a pleasure to work with your competent staff of personnel. Their vast experience and training were quite obvious. We experienced some tense situations but due to the great restraint and composure shown by your personnel, we maintained complete control of any and all situation that arose. I would be remiss if I did not give special recognition to the supervisory staff who made my job much easier. They not only earned my respect as “true professionals” but as dedicated and conscientious individuals whom I now refer to as friends. Again, thank you for a job well done! ”Sincerely. Director of Security
“I wish to extend my personal thanks to you and your staff of professional men who helped us control our recent labor problem. The fact that you could provide a competent staff within a 7 hour notice is truly remarkable. Again, thanks for your assistance. You have a “first class operation”, and I would recommend your services to anybody in need of them. ”Sincerely. Vice-President Operations
“I am writing to thank you for the way in which Special Response Corporation performed its duties for us during a very difficult period of time. The magnitude of the job was dwarfed by the instantaneous response which we received from you and your staff. Your employees should be commended for their effectiveness and professionalism. Their conduct and attitude made us all feel confident. Thank you again for a job well done.”Sincerely. President
“The Union members voted to accept a new three year contract proposal after staging a three day strike. I would like to thank you and your four associates for the fine job they performed. The fact that you were able to provide four professional, well trained men in less than 24 hours notice is remarkable. Again, thanks for your assistance.”Sincerely. Vice President
“I am writing this brief commentary to share with you my personal observations and those of my associate, concerning the performance of your personnel during the labor dispute at our Pennsylvania site. We worked closely with your staff over a period of two weeks directing the security operation and liaising with senior corporate management and public law enforcement agencies. During that period, we found your personnel to be courteous, highly skilled and effective in the execution of every assigned task. Most particularly, they exhibited a very professional “coolness” even when the situation seemed to become somewhat volatile. ”Sincerely. Director, Corporate Security
“I want to use this opportunity to commend the contingent of men and women who you deployed to provide security services during our recent strike. As a result of the presence and performance of your staff, the safety and security of our facility and staff, for the most part, remained in tact. In the many years that I have been in the law enforcement and security profession, I have never seen a better execution of security service than your officers provided. I specifically want to commend the performance and actions of the commander of the unit. You should be very proud of these commanders, as well as the entire unit. Hopefully, Our Hospital will never again have to see a strike but if we should, we would again contact your corporation to assist us. Again, thank you very much. ”Sincerely. Environmental & Pre-Hospital
“We were certainly happy with the services you provided us during our strike contingency plan. I would like to pass along some of the comments that were passed on to me or that I happened to overhear regarding the staff you provided. In general everyone who commented to me was very impressed with the overall appearance, demeanor, and attitude of “the guys”, as we have come to refer to them. Staff and management alike were very complimentary to the group as a whole, however I did get some feedback on various individuals. Debbie Reid Nursing Manager – “Nursing supervisors couldn’t say enough about drivers. A pleasure, professional, trucks loaded within 30 minutes, thrilled, excellent job, how wonderful to have such professional and nice guys.” Sharon Vigorito Nurse Training Manger – “Such polite, bright guys, still asking intelligent questions after hours of training, delight to work with.” There were many other comments as well but I think you get the flavor of how it went. Congratulations! ”Sincerely. Managing Director General Services
“I would like to take the opportunity to express my appreciation for the excellent service you have provided several of our clients, giving them the ability to operate their business without disruption, using a comprehensive approach to security involving training, investigation, consulting, and Special Response Team placement. Under all the circumstances, I am confident in recommending you and Special Response Corporation as a top notch security organization, dedicated, and capable of total corporate security service.”Sincerely. Chairman, Labor and Employment Law Department
“Enclosed is a copy of the Magistrate’s decision in this case. His report and recommendation set forth his findings as to the facts and his application of the law to those facts. His decision is now before the Third Circuit Court of Appeals, which has to decide whether to approve and adopt his factual findings and legal conclusions. That process will likely take an additional several months. As you can see, the Judge Found the Teamsters to have committed every single act that we alleged. Thanks again to you and your employees for your cooperation in this matter. ”Sincerely. Trail Attorney
“During the course of the last year we developed a need to retain a professional security service due to potential labor disputes. Numerous inquiries led to Special Response Corporation who we consequently employed at our Camden, NJ and New York locations. Right from the onset, we were pleased to find that the knowledge and experience of the above was to be of great assistance to us in several ways. First, they acted in an advisory capacity wherein we were educated as to what methods we would implement in-house to secure our personnel and property. Secondly, they paid particular attention to tailoring the numerous services they provide to meet our security needs. Finally, the staff that was provided were found to be reliable, well trained, and highly professional. We are pleased to provide the above reference however; their record speaks for itself. Both of our locations experienced a period where in there was a high potential for violence to be directed at both our personnel and property however, no serious incidents were reported. If you should require additional information concerning our experience with Special Response Corporation please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned. ”Sincerely. Senior Vice President
“This is to inform you that last week we were on strike and continued publishing both morning, evening and Sunday newspapers. Special Response Corporation was specifically engaged to provide security, transportation and police communications during this unfortunate event. Their planning and execution was simply “excellent” and was a significant factor in the company’s ability to continue publishing and eventually prevail in this labor dispute. Based upon our experience, I would highly recommend their services. ”Sincerely. Industrial Relations Manager
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